Tanya Tucker

Owner, numbers nerd, & process Princess

I used to fight my spending aversion - I've been called thrifty, stingy, and even a fun-vampire - but now I'm embracing my superpower! Don't get me wrong, I’ve done my fair share of wasteful spending, but when it comes to my business, I am uber critical of how I spend so that I don't stress about HAVING to make that extra dollar.  

I’ve spent my whole life feeling less than confident about most things.  The great thing about getting older is that those things that used to make you cower, is now water off a duck’s back.  I’m in my 40’s, menopausal (yeah, that started), and quite honestly just sick of exerting the mental energy; I’m done with worrying about these things.  With my newfound (and continuously improving) outlook on life, I’m on a mission to eradicate the bullshit we tell ourselves, or society tells us, about what we should or shouldn’t be.  Nothing boils my blood more than women being belittled or made to feel small or incapable.  Faced with this, I rebel and learn or do whatever it is that I’m being told I can’t or shouldn’t – A giant F*U in the face of society and the naysayers. 

But I always need help to get there.  YouTube videos, seasoned professionals, self-help books and courses.  These have been my “go-to’s” to get me to where I want to be or how I want to grow.

Clear Eyes Consulting is your “go-to”. We give you a step-by-step program to go from Hot Mess to Confidence Queen.


 I created Clear Eyes Consulting for Creative people like you

creative + analytical = a perfect match

Growing up, many people influenced me and shaped who I am today. I've had the great fortune of knowing all four of my grandparents, and they were all creative masters. A seamstress, gardeners, preservers, woodworkers, musicians, and all-around homesteaders, my grandparents each taught me the value of creating and working with your hands and from your heart. On the other hand, my Dad gave me my gift of numbers and a linear brain, while my Mom taught me to work with what I have, be resourceful and never let a lack of money mean you can't get where you want to go.

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Are you overwhelmed?

I’ve got your back!

Clear Eyes Consulting's focus is to inspire you to stay creative and turn your passion into a profitable business that you love! I have spent over 20 years managing budgets, reconciling accounts, monitoring income and expenses, and filing taxes. We empower women entrepreneurs to rebel against their fears of money and take control of their profit goals.

Let’s get you back on track and excited about your business.



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